Month: June 2014

Cassie Steele

Video Credit: Cassie Steele’s official YouTube channel 

In talking to Cassie, you begin to understand that though they aren’t the same person, she and her Degrassi: The Next Generation character Manny Santos, are a lot alike.

They are straight shooters, tenacious, sarcastic, inspired, caring, and a little dark. They even share similar interests, and a tendency towards creativity and performance.

Cassie was born in Toronto, Ontario to a Filipino mother, and British father. As a kid, she recalls being quirky, and a little unpredictable. “I think I was just a little weird kid. I just really weirded people out,” says Cassie.  “I was really outgoing, and loud, and said a lot of inappropriate things.” Her knack for grabbing attention caused her parents to suggest creative outlets for Cassie to explore. “My dad thought it was good that I go to improve, or theater, and meet other weird kids,” she says. “And I did it, and it was awesome, and I did meet other weird kids.”
